Dowras Farms
Daniel & Ann Dow
1944 Windy Ridge Rd.
Elizabeth, WV 26143

Phone: (707) 326-2470

NASSA Flock Number 2780

Web Site: www.DowRasFarms.Com



Dowras Farms

Click here to request more information

We are a small Veteran Owned family Farm specializing in Miniature breeds, our Shetland flock was developed in Washington State. Having moved them to West Virginia we are looking to diversify our bloodline.

Sheep for sale:
We have 4 baby lambs for sale 3 nice rams and a ewe, we also have A good yearling ram I would like to trade for a young ram to create an new bloodline.
Click here to see our sheep listing (1).

Fiber for sale:
We currently have no fiber listed for sale.

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